How to Add Command Prompt To Folder Context Menu

Some time we need to work with some files which located in a particular folder from command prompt. But it’s too complicated to work with long folder ( which even carry spaces ) names or a folder located deep inside other folders. So it’s very convenient if we can launch command prompt from the folder which we want to work with. Vista has this feature. If you hold down the shift key while right clicking on a folder vista gives a option to Open Command Window Here.

But Windows xp does not comes with such option. In this tutorial we will add vista like command prompt option to folder context menu. So when you right click on a folder you can directly open command prompt without changing the path from dos manually.

Follow these steps :

1. Start regedit from run dialogue box.

2. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell

3. Create a new key by right clicking on shell & select New > Key

4. Name it command

5. Now select command. On the right pane double click the value Default

6. Now on the Value Data field type Open Command Window Here

7. Now select the command key on the left pane again. Right click on it.

8. Select New > Key & give it’s name command.

9. Now select the command sub key. On right pan double click on the value Default & type cmd.exe /k “cd %L”


Close regedit ( Registry Editor ). Log off & Log in again.

Now you should see Open Command Window Here whenever you right click on a folder.
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