Double Clicking A Drive Opens Search Option - Solution

If you Double Click any Drive and it opens the search option, than your pc is infected by a virus named as ravmon.exe and autorun.inf.

I had this virus a couple of times now and one recently, search for the solution and got one working.

First Scan your pc with a good antivirus, if it doesn't work then try this trick

1. Go to Start --> Run and type cmd

2. If the infected file is in C drive then type C: in command prompt and press enter

3. Type autorun.inf and press enter (autorun.inf file will open)

4. Type attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r and press enter

5. Now delete the file by typing del autorun.inf and press enter

6. Again type autorun.inf and press enter (you will find no infected autorun.inf file).

7. In this way do to all other drives and then restart your pc.
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