Setup Google Apps In Your Custom Web Domain

Now a day, Google is providing more and more services to increase their personality. One of the good services of Google is Google Apps. It provide user to use Google Doc, calendar, mail, etc to your website. This is the free version of Google. Just you have to signup up with your domain.
You’re ready to use this service? Let’s start from beginning,
First, Go to the Google Apps,

Choose the option where you are standing upon and insert the URL in the blank field.
In step 2, fill all the information and option of your domain and yours as well.
3. Now, you have to choose you username for your domain. Give a mail to your domain. For example:

You can change the text support with your name. Then, click I accept, continue to next step.
Choose the option which is appropriate for you. Choose CNAME record option for easy.

Now, you have to manage your DNS. Sign in to your domain hosting service and locate the DNS management page. The location varies by service, but can typically be found under Domain Management or Advanced Settings. And add these 5 MX records. See the below:
Priority Destination
Ensure that the record must be MX not CNAME or other. Finally, MX records will looks like this:

After that click on I’ve completed the above step

Again, Go to the Dashboard in Google Apps and click Active email (see below)

We’ve already done the steps provided by Google apps in step 4. So, directly click I have completed these steps.

7. Now, It takes generally 48 hours to active your custom email. You can access your email at
Hope this tutorial was helpful.
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